Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Where would you rather live: NJ or AZ?

I live in NJ right now and in September i will be starting my senior year in high school. When i was a freshmen i went to AZ to visit my sister in college. I loved it there. And i know that a vacation is way more different then actually living there, but its something about Phoenix that i love. But there is just one problem, my family. They all live in NJ or PA besides my sister who lives in Richmond California. If i move there, shes all i got. don;t know what to do? Please help|||At 18 I accepted a job in AZ ~ and I was born and raised in IL. I;ve since lived in Texas and Hawaii. Be adventurous~get out and see the country while you;re young!|||I love Jersey. You have to choose where to live.

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