Sunday, July 18, 2010

Can a non-Japanese person enter Miss Japan?

I am European descent but I was born in Japan and both myself and my parents are Japanese citizens. So long story short, can I enter the Miss Japan contest or do you have to be ethnic Japanese? Also, if I can enter, do I really have a shot at winning? I'm blonde, blue eyed, and I'm 5'10 so there's not really any possibility someone would mistake me for being haafu or anything.|||Yes, you can enter the contest. Your chances of winning are very low, that goes for ethnic Japanese too.The fact that you're posting the question here makes me think you can't read or speak Japanese very well. If that's the case you have no chance.|||If you have Japanese citizenship, yes you can.|||You are a Japanese citizen. That makes you Japanese. You have the passport to prove it, right? Well, IMHO, you can give it a try. This is not the best forum for definitive answers, but you would seem to qualify.As for you do have a chance of winning? If you are in the contest, you have a chance. But I find it very strange that you are blonde and blue-eyed. Black hair and brown eye genes are dominant, so how did you end up with blonde hair and blue eyes?Be that as it may, it sounds like you have the right to enter. Blonde hair and blue eyed, well, that brings a new perspective into play, because you are going to stand out. That could be good, that could be bad. Who knows. But it sounds like you have the right.|||It depends on the contest rule or the association's judge. If you are genuine Japanese citizen, it seems you should have the right to apply the competition though. The story you said is very strange anyway. If people are really Japanese citizen, they usually don't post such question in English here.

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