Sunday, July 18, 2010

People from Belfast what do you think Of St Anns Square?

What do you think of the new St Anns SquareThe new neo-classical square laid out last year , some news papers thinks its an eyesore , i myself really like it , what do you thinkA Blight or Gem|||Sorry, can't agree with you. My opinion is that is featureless, coldly stark and altogether lacking in character.|||i am fromm near st anns and it adds nothing to my town|||I like it.I know where you got this from, I read something about this 'Carbuncle Cup' awards, and there are far more deserving buildings for an 'ugly building' award, such as the Royal Mail head office in Toome Street.The Odyssey - it was good when it opened in the late 90's but it has aged badly in the last few years and needs a lot done to it to pull itself out of the past.The many high rise 1960's blocks of high rise flats.

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