Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New York or New Jersey Directions HELP !!!?

I am traveling with my husband and three children. I am from Boston. I booked a hotel at the Sheraton Lincoln Harbor Hotel in Weehawken, NJ. Would I be better off driving myself there or take a train or a plane? I am looking for the most economical and affordable way to get there from Boston. If it is wise to take a train I don;t know how or where to do it. I am stressing because we want to rent a car but the car will cost us $500 and from what I looked at so does the train commute and airfare is to much. Maybe someone from that area knows a better way. Please help :(|||drive.|||I think driving would be your best bet. Its about 4& half hours to drive though :/ (219 miles)|||I;d drive. It is a short drive. I;d leave the car at the hotel and be in Mid Manhattan in less than 30 minutes by public transportation. And cheap.

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