Sunday, July 18, 2010

Is it ok for a 16 year old teenager to visit Dublin on her own?

Next summer i will be 16 and kind of convinced my parents to let me go to Dublin for 15 days and stay at a hotel. Would it be safe for me? Would there be any problems since i'm underage? Also i'd be glad if you can mention a few tips about visiting Dublin.|||Yes you should be OK if you dont drink so much you almost die and walk home at night from the club which i know must be the Nr 1. objective on the check list of teens but dont cause you will most likely get raped in Dublin. Here you go for some sightseeing tips etc. :D|||you would have to check with the hotel in advance, they all have their own policies and you don't want to get there and then be asked for id. i presume you are going with friends, so yes in dublin you will have trouble getting into clubs and pubs, they know a fake id when they see one and no club wants to be filled with kids anyway.

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