Monday, July 19, 2010

Places to visit while in CA?

I;m staying in Santa Monica, as well as San Diego next week and I was hoping to get some tips on places to especially see. I;d like a list of the obvious, tourist spots as well as the not so popular spots. I;m also really intrested in fashion so if you are aware of any shops, gallerys, i dont even know whatever that you think are worth the visit please let me know! I;m looking for anything in these cities as well as around them (Including Los Angeles please).Thanks in advance!|||Skip Los Angeles.. it;s nothing more than a third world cesspool.. spend your coin in frisco|||There are lots of tourist spots in California where you can enjoy yourself. You can to the Death Valley, Joshua Tree National Park or Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. These are some of the tourist attraction in the place. You can explore more.

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