Sunday, September 11, 2011


Collectors should be aware that there was an EXACT REPRINT of Sensation
geics # 1, published in 1974 under DC geics' FAMOUS FIRST
line. Originally, the geic had a stiff outer cover identifying
it as a reprint. When the outer cover is removed, it is IDENTICAL
to the original book, except that it is OVERSIZED 10" long and 13 1/2
inches tall. There have been many instances over the years where
a non-geic collector has been fooled by one of these reprints.
When I owned a geic book store, I got at least one call per month from
someone with an oversized reprint of either Action geics # 1 (1st
Superman), Detective geics # 27 (1st Batman), Sensation geics # 1
(1st Wonder Woman title), Whiz geics # 2 (# 1) (not identical to the
original, but not identified as a reprint either), Batman # 1, or
Superman # 1.

A genuine Sensation geics # 1 will be the same size as a normal Golden
Age geic book, which is slightly smaller than a normal sized magazine

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