Sunday, September 11, 2011

Everyone Seems to Love the Bumbo Baby Seat

The bumbo baby seat is the newest craze among baby products. Everyone wants one and babies seem to love them!
This baby seat is unique in that no straps or fasteners are required to keep baby in place and it allows infants without trunk control to sit upright without being held by another person. This allows for face-to-face playtime and gives the child a gepletely different view of the world. As an added benefit, it helps the child to develop the torso strength and perhaps the manual dexerity it will need to continue development.
Once the child can sit upright without assistance, the seat is still extremely useful as a portable feeding chair or as a travel seat when outdoors or visiting friends and family! It's lightweight, gepact, easy to clean and gees in five fun colors.

Find A Bumbo Seat on okay
TenderBabyLuv-N-Care offers the Bumbo seat in four great colors
~ blue, lilac, lime and yellow.

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