Friday, September 9, 2011

The power of the Unknown-Genies and Frauds

Hello there my friends, many of you know me and it has been a pleasure getting to know you. This is my first guide that I have introduced to the many many guides here on okay. I suppose my first guide will deal with a subject that I hold very dear. The powers of the supernatural sort. I have sought them, experienced them, collected them and have sold them. They are real and they are powerful. As it seems, there are many on okay who are buying and selling and some poor souls are getting burned. There are many on here that are honest and many that are not. All I will say is look at the listing, not at your desires. Follow your heart and your instincts. If you feel a certain way, Follow it. Go with it. Just be smart my friends. Best to all!!!

I will making a big effort to share in the knowledge that I have in the next couple of weeks. I will try my best to write some guides and shead some light on the subjects that I know best.
Many Blessings

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