Monday, July 19, 2010

What do Jews make of these verses?

From the New Testament,"Circumcision has value if you observe the law, but if you break the law, you have become as though you had not been circumcised. If those who are not circumcised keep the law;s requirements, will they not be regarded as though they were circumcised? The one who is not circumcised physically and yet obeys the law will condemn you who, even though you have the written code and circumcision, are a lawbreaker. A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man;s praise is not from men, but from God."(Romans 2:25-29)"You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews." (John 4:22, said by Jesus btw)and this whole chapter...…|||I cannot speak for Jews as im not a learned Rabbi, or someone who has devoted his time to studying the bible. But I will answer as a Jew.The way I see it, There are two things required by Jews, to make the covenant with god through circumcision. And to carry out the law of god, which is way a person lives his life.When christianity came about they were looking for ways for people to be able to become the ;observant; of the religion without having to follow a strict diet or having to make the act of circumcision.So it was decided that a person who follows the law, though the law itself is different, only has to be circumcised in soul and spirit, and not in flesh.The way I see it, both adherence and covenant have to be madeThe way a christian sees it, adherence is enough and the covenant is the love for god|||I and jews in general wont make much of it - if anything at all... Can you understand that as jews we dont believe in jesus? he wasnt a prohpet or a teacher or wise man - he was at best one of many jews in history who claimed to be the messiah but did not fullfil the messianic prophecy.There for the new testament - and indeed any teachings, quotes, ideas, thoughts, images etc from it have no impact on us jews or our faith. we are not moved by what it says, we do not take time to think about what it says and quotes from it have no meaning to us... to explain further - its like this .. I could find many quotes from the Bhaghavad Gita - a Hindu religious scripture. If i wrote them here and said they were talking about christians - what impact would it have on you?? would you be moved by them? would you think they speak the truth? would it inspire you to change your religioun? or would you dismiis them - and infact the whole faith - as something you do not believe in and so has no impact or meaning to you... its the same exactly with jews and these quotes... sorry to be harsh - but its been 2000 years and it beggars belief that christians havent grasped this by now...|||jews in general don;t care much about the new testament, so these verses just don;t care about these verses.|||We Jews adhere to the Jewish Bible.The Christian Bible holds no meaning to us.|||Damn, sometimes it surprises me that people do not understand the simplest things. Jews do not believe in Jesus. If they did, they would be Christians. So, you can quote the New Testament from sunrise until sunset, and we shall only yawn before going to sleep. What´s not clear?|||As a Jew reading 1st/2nd century history, I keep noticing all of the places that Christianity misrepresents Judaism - practices, texts, 1st century leadership, the people, and so on. That is absolutely crucial to keep in mind. Christianity doesn;t understand Judaism.The Roman approach to religion was heavily syncretic. They freely ;borrowed; elements from every religion they encountered and adapted them to suit themselves. Jews who wanted to integrate with Hellenic thought got their basic Judaism right. Christianity didn;t, so it;s far more likely that it came about from non-Jews attempting to incorporate Jewish elements which they didn;t really grasp.Circumcision was a very political issue. Romans were quite opposed to it in general. It was also prohibited as retribution for Judean attempts to regain their independence and self-rule. In at least one case, it was accompanied by a thorough attempt to eradicate Jewish identity altogether.All of which makes that passage rather curious.In your chapter of ;Romans;, Paul claims that Jews would be envious of gentile salvation. There;s a wee problem with that. There isn;t anything in Judaism that we need saving from, except the whims and wrath of imperial powers. Hellfire and eternal torment are from the Hellenic mystery religions. Right there, Paul destroys (yet again) his claims to understanding Judaism.As such, why should Jews accord his writings any validity whatsoever?|||I can;t talk for others, but I make it that the author doesn;t know a lot about Judaism.. Besides that not much.. Why should we make anything special out of it? It;s Christian scriptures, not Jewish, so I don;t think many Jews would spend much time in reading it;o)..|||If it;s from the New Testament then it;s irrelevant to Jews. We don;t accept the New Testament as word of God/inspired by God it;s nothing more than a book.

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